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Living in Shenyang 今日: 0|主题: 567|排名: 37 

版主: oriana, Eric
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全局置顶 隐藏置顶帖 预览 沈阳消费网官网微信公众号! attach_img 远帆 2022-9-16 015999 远帆 2022-9-16 11:54
本版置顶 隐藏置顶帖 预览 foreigner in Shenyang:New English Group (外国人在沈阳QQ群) 远帆 2012-6-10 241942 nkuks 2016-7-14 13:04
本版置顶 隐藏置顶帖 预览 Consulate in shenyang list mosquito 2012-11-9 739724 mosquito 2012-11-9 00:58
本版置顶 隐藏置顶帖 预览 List of shenyang five-star hotels(luxury hotels)  ...2 Rosemary 2012-10-30 1177236 Rosemary 2012-10-30 16:17
本版置顶 隐藏置顶帖 预览 Shenyang historical and Scenic spots attachment digest  ...234 Annie 2005-5-10 38156950 学韩语的孩子 2008-8-1 10:44
本版置顶 隐藏置顶帖 预览 [转帖]Shenyang Residence Of Zhang's (张氏帅府)  ...23 Eric 2008-3-10 20116819 风雨无阻 2008-7-28 17:32
预览 BMW to invest $620m in Shenyang 点点 2020-5-8 031700 点点 2020-5-8 12:27
预览 International flight convention to be held in Shenyang syktv 2019-8-17 034930 syktv 2019-8-17 11:00
预览 Shenyang to build first cultural tourism avenue syktv 2019-8-17 034040 syktv 2019-8-17 10:59
预览 Part of Beijing-Shenyang high-speed railway to start operation more 2018-12-31 036690 more 2018-12-31 19:24
预览 Direct flight links Shenyang, Irkutsk 95504 2018-7-6 036109 95504 2018-7-6 11:15
预览 9.18 Historical Museum to close for 3 months syNo1 2018-5-14 036029 syNo1 2018-5-14 11:12
预览 Construction work finishes on Dongta Bridge syNo1 2018-3-10 336279 3719abc 2018-3-12 08:05
预览 Shenyang Tramway: Keep pace with the latest trend of technology attach_img Just 2018-3-1 136031 Just 2018-3-1 23:32
预览 Shenyang FTZ opens a French commodity center royal 2017-11-16 035870 royal 2017-11-16 18:22
预览 BMW power battery center opens in NE China 东门子 2017-10-29 035695 东门子 2017-10-29 11:24
预览 Sharing cars to get Shenyang moving Just 2017-9-19 035730 Just 2017-9-19 10:33
预览 World Youth Gothia Cup held in China for second time Am 2017-8-15 035941 Am 2017-8-15 12:33
预览 Imperial treasures on display in Shenyang 点点 2017-7-20 035834 点点 2017-7-20 12:22
预览 Shenyang airline introduces Airbus A320neo Josh 2017-2-21 135218 Josh 2017-2-21 11:46
预览 Youth skating race concludes in Shenyang Josh 2017-2-21 035083 Josh 2017-2-21 11:40
预览 Shenyang adds more international flights colony 2016-10-30 034919 colony 2016-10-30 11:22
预览 Seven new duty-free stores open in Shenyang 第十人 2016-10-12 034952 第十人 2016-10-12 11:35
预览 Shenyang recruits panda-keepers 新人帖 zugzwang 2016-10-2 034698 zugzwang 2016-10-2 11:59
预览 Shenyang to host second international football tournament Josh 2016-8-10 034775 Josh 2016-8-10 11:44
预览 Shenyang launches simplified visa policy for foreigners Josh 2016-8-10 034788 Josh 2016-8-10 11:44
预览 Faku opens AOPA International Fly-in in August CV 2016-7-25 034835 CV 2016-7-25 20:31
预览 Dates announced for 2016 Shenyang aviation expo syktv 2016-6-22 034894 syktv 2016-6-22 11:44
预览 Shenyang automobile exhibition to unveil in October CV 2016-6-3 035179 CV 2016-6-3 23:22
预览 Shenyang among top 10 'new first-tier' cities in China syNo1 2016-5-23 034418 syNo1 2016-5-23 11:02
预览 Shenyang holds international financial forum on revitalization LV 2016-5-13 034642 LV 2016-5-13 11:32
预览 Shenyang's industrial tourism -- new life for old factories Am 2016-5-6 034525 Am 2016-5-6 11:28
预览 China's first industry and finance museum opens in the NE newnew 2016-5-1 034764 newnew 2016-5-1 23:17
预览 Shenbei getting new airport LCA 2014-12-10 135090 nkuks 2016-4-22 11:51
预览 BMW has opened its new engine plant in Shenyang Am 2016-1-25 034645 Am 2016-1-25 14:30
预览 Shanxi opens high speed train to shenyang yinrose 2016-1-19 034688 yinrose 2016-1-19 15:26
预览 Shenyang promotes new-energy car adoption more 2015-12-20 034705 more 2015-12-20 18:43
预览 Shenyang New World Expo to start trial operation in 2017 Anime 2015-8-7 034728 Anime 2015-8-7 23:08
预览 Shenyang to host Property Expo summer session Anime 2015-8-7 034627 Anime 2015-8-7 23:06
预览 Shenyang to host Anime Expo 新人帖 Anime 2015-8-7 034729 Anime 2015-8-7 23:01
预览 17th Apple retail store in Chinese mainland opens in Shenyang attach_img 沈水钓徒 2015-3-4 135355 沈水钓徒 2015-3-4 19:27
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